Summer Horse Camps
Summer Camps Are Over for the Season…watch for upcoming dates next summer!
9:00am-12:00pm–Mon – Thr in the summer.
COST: $200/week (10% discount for two or more children)
If your child loves horses and wants to learn about all aspects of horsemanship without having to own a horse–Summer Camp at Orchard Park Equestrian is for you! Small group instruction includes: feeding, nutrition, grooming, barn chores, tack, leading, and daily riding. Your child’s safety is our top priority so helmets are required (bike helmets are ok, or you can borrow one of ours). Please dress for the weather in comfortable fitted clothing. Long pants, flat-soled close-toed shoes with a small heel–no sandals. Note: Feel free to bring a water bottle and a lunch to eat afterwards. Location: Orchard Park Equestrian at Quakerfield–4760 Freeman Rd. Orchard Park.
Space is Limited to 20 students a week.